Friday, January 24, 2020

Women Essay -- Persuasive, Violence Against Women

This investigation is roasted in the hypothesis that although the world has changed and modernized, and laws for the protection of minorities have increased, even the penalties for the violation of human rights are more severe; but the female figure are still victims of abuse, discrimination, and violence around the world. To test this hypothesis we will consider three Journals. The first Journals subject is â€Å"HONOUR": CRIMES, PARADIGMS, AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. By Simone Cusack, & Rebecca J Cook. (2007). This talks about violence against women in the Muslim world. The second journal subject is CURBING FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. By Gender & Behavior (Dec 2010). Discussing the concept and practice of mutilation on women. And the last subject is THE GUATEMALAN FEMICIDE: AN EPIDEMIC OF IMPUNITY. By Velasco, Natalie. (2008). And talk about women that have been raped, mutilated, and brutally murdered in Guatemala. To start we were talking about the first journal, â€Å"HONOUR": CRIMES, PARADIGMS, AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN by Simone Cusack, & Rebecca J Cook (2007). And this one talks about a project that was done in the center of Islamic(CIMEL), and Middle Eastern law and center of human rights protection (INTERIGHTS); and thus to investigate the crimes of "Honor" and violence against women. Crimes of â€Å"Honor† which basically describes how Muslim women are punished for their families or community members because they considered to be dishonored by the victim. The authors of this manuscript also want to investigate how the legal system are linked with the crimes of "Honorâ€Å", and how to combat this probl... ...According to statistics 13% of the women who reported abuse in their homes unfortunately they were killed days after. The journal makes several recommendations to the Governor of Guatemala, such as giving a public condemnation of the murderer and hijackers, procedures of research showing violence, create a database that shows people who have Disappeared, the laws has to be more stringent about the rules against violence of women, Finally, have to be placed rules do not allow women violence. In conclusion I must say that unfortunately the hypothesis was proven with the help of different Journals, and unfortunately governments, regional and society must change the hard rules that dominate women and not allowed them to grow in the society; on the contrary these laws limiting their personal and moral development.

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